

DDAY Discover Bayeux War Cemetery

Date 14 March 2022 In Information

The Commonwealth war cemetery of Bayeux

A stone’s throw from the Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy on boulevard Fabien Ware, the British military cemetery is managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The site was assigned by France to the United Kingdom in perpetuity, and contains more than 4,258 gravestones. They show the name and rank of the soldier and the weaponry of his unit. Sometimes the families have added personal epitaphs. At the foot of the graves a small floral garden invites contemplation.


>>> To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy, discover this video of the Bayeux war cemetery, created by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, to pay tribute to the numerous men ans women fallen on Normandy’s soil during the WW2.


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